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One of the primary objectives of our Devcon team is to adopt a proper accident prevention program outlining responsibilities and safety requirements for all employees, subcontractors and suppliers on the project.​


Safety is everyone’s responsibility. We expect cooperation from our employees, subcontractors, and suppliers in monitoring, supervising, and enforcing safety on the job. It is mandatory that all personnel engaged in work on our projects comply with all Federal, State, and Local Safety Codes and Regulations for the duration of construction. Safety meetings for all workers are conducted on a weekly basis.​


National Experience Modification Rating (EMR)
This rating compares a company’s safety record to the records of its peers in the industry. This number, also termed the mod rating, plays a role in determining insurance premiums and evaluating a company’s risk profile. The average EMR rating is 1.0 and denotes the industry standard. The lower EMR ratings usually falls around 0.5, indicating an excellent record of safety. Conversely, the higher EMR ratings typically fall between 2.0 and 3.0, indicating a poor safety record and a history of numerous workers’ compensation claims.”


Excellence in Safety

The Construction Employers' Association

2024, 2023

Presidents' Award

The Construction Employers' Association



TRIR – stands for “Total Recordable Incident Rate.” OSHA developed this calculation to gauge a company's safety record compared to its peers. It looks at the number of recordable incidents per 100 full-time workers during a year. Devcon’s TRIR represents our safety record for Devcon employees only. The TRIR national average for construction is 3.0.

DART – stands for “Days Away Restricted or Transferred” Rate and includes only those OSHA recordable injuries or illnesses that resulted in days away from work, restricted duty, or transfer of duties. Devcon’s DART represents our safety record for Devcon employees only. The DART national average for construction is 1.8.

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