Arroyo Green Apartments
Redwood City, CA
145,000 SF multifamily development consisting of 117 units, as well as common space including community space, on-site offices for staff, and common areas featuring a laundry room, learning center, a fitness center and computer lab. The 7-story building is comprised of a concrete podium for levels 1 and 2, supporting five stories of wood frame building above, also consists of commercial space used for a childcare center.
The project also includes non-public landscape improvements consisting of one podium courtyard and an on -grade playground area, as well as public landscape improvements comprising a linear park/promenade along the western/northern bank of Redwood Creek between Bradford Street and Main Street.
Services Provided:
Architect of Record:
Dahlin Group, Inc.
MidPen Housing Co.
Completed 2021